Missing Data Visualization in R using ggplot2

In data science, data cleaning and dealing with missing data is one of the main issues after retrieving a big data set. Data coming from databases or archives never comes in clean and ready-to-analysis format.

Big data always contains features with missing observations. One of the main issues with missing data is deciding whether to eliminate the missing observations or impute them using information from other features.

However, in a few instances, some of the features just come empty, so we don’t need to worry about their imputation because we can simply omit or unselect those columns. But before that, we need to calculate the proportion of missing data in each feature to decide on a threshold to keep features in the data.

In this blog post, I’ll use some basic and dplyr functionality to count missingness in the data and its visualization using the ggplot2 package. After that, I’ll use some available packages that provide built-in functions to visualize the missing data. And then, I’ll show how we can remove the completely missing features from our data sets.

Load libraries


Load data

I’ll use plant pathogen risk data from UK Risk Register for this blog post. The data is publicly available.

# data
data <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MohsinRamay/sampledata/main/Risk_Register_01_09_2022_10_47_18.csv")
data |> 
## Rows: 1,409
## Columns: 59
## $ Date.Added                                                               <chr> …
## $ Status                                                                   <chr> …
## $ Pest.family                                                              <chr> …
## $ Pest.Name                                                                <chr> …
## $ Common.name.or.abbreviation                                              <chr> …
## $ Type.of.pest                                                             <chr> …
## $ EU.and.EPPO.listing                                                      <chr> …
## $ High.levels.of.uncertainty.associated.with.the.risk.scores.for.this.pest <lgl> …
## $ Key.uncertainty                                                          <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.key.uncertainty                                      <lgl> …
## $ Climate.uncertainty                                                      <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Climate.uncertainty                                  <lgl> …
## $ Current.Distribution.uncertainty                                         <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Current.Distribution.uncertainty                     <lgl> …
## $ UK.Distribution.uncertainty                                              <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.UK.Distribution.uncertainty                          <lgl> …
## $ Hosts.uncertainty                                                        <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Hosts.uncertainty                                    <lgl> …
## $ Impact.uncertainty                                                       <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Impact.uncertainty                                   <lgl> …
## $ Pathways.uncertainty                                                     <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Pathways.uncertainty                                 <lgl> …
## $ Regulation.uncertainty                                                   <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Regulation.uncertainty                               <lgl> …
## $ Taxonomy.uncertainty                                                     <chr> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Taxonomy.uncertainty                                 <lgl> …
## $ Other.uncertainty                                                        <lgl> …
## $ Potential.impact.of.Other.uncertainty                                    <lgl> …
## $ Major.Hosts                                                              <chr> …
## $ UK                                                                       <chr> …
## $ Europe                                                                   <chr> …
## $ Global.Distribution                                                      <chr> …
## $ Pathways                                                                 <chr> …
## $ Pathway.Assessed.for.Entry.to.UK                                         <chr> …
## $ Scenario.for.Risk.Register                                               <chr> …
## $ Likelihood                                                               <int> …
## $ Impact                                                                   <int> …
## $ Value.at.Risk                                                            <int> …
## $ UK.Relative.Risk.Rating..unmitigated.                                    <int> …
## $ Regulation                                                               <chr> …
## $ Surveillance                                                             <chr> …
## $ Industry.Scheme                                                          <chr> …
## $ Contingency.plan                                                         <chr> …
## $ Awareness                                                                <chr> …
## $ Research                                                                 <chr> …
## $ Likelihood.1                                                             <int> …
## $ Impact.1                                                                 <int> …
## $ UK.Relative.Risk.Rating..mitigated.                                      <int> …
## $ Regulation.1                                                             <chr> …
## $ Deregulation.or.reduced.regulation                                       <chr> …
## $ Management.by.Industry                                                   <chr> …
## $ Targeted.Survey                                                          <chr> …
## $ PRA                                                                      <chr> …
## $ Contingency.Plan                                                         <chr> …
## $ Publicity                                                                <chr> …
## $ Research.1                                                               <chr> …
## $ Action                                                                   <chr> …
## $ General.Comments                                                         <chr> …
## $ X                                                                        <chr> …
  • The data consists of 1409 rows and 59 columns.
  • And it’s evident from the data glimpse that some features are missing a considerable amount of data.
  • Now, I’ll calculate the percentage of missing data in each column.

Missing data count

miss_data <- data |> 
  gather(key, value) |> 
  group_by(key) |> 
  count(na = is.na(value)) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = na, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) |> 
  mutate(pct_missing = (`TRUE`/sum(`TRUE`, `FALSE`))*100) |> 

miss_data |> 
  #sample_n(10) |> 
key FALSE TRUE pct_missing
Action 1409 0 0.00000
Awareness 1409 0 0.00000
Climate.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Common.name.or.abbreviation 1409 0 0.00000
Contingency.plan 1409 0 0.00000
Contingency.Plan 1409 0 0.00000
Current.Distribution.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Date.Added 1409 0 0.00000
Deregulation.or.reduced.regulation 1409 0 0.00000
EU.and.EPPO.listing 1409 0 0.00000
Europe 1409 0 0.00000
General.Comments 1409 0 0.00000
Global.Distribution 1409 0 0.00000
High.levels.of.uncertainty.associated.with.the.risk.scores.for.this.pest 0 1409 100.00000
Hosts.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Impact 1137 272 19.30447
Impact.1 1137 272 19.30447
Impact.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Industry.Scheme 1409 0 0.00000
Key.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Likelihood 1138 271 19.23350
Likelihood.1 1138 271 19.23350
Major.Hosts 1409 0 0.00000
Management.by.Industry 1409 0 0.00000
Other.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Pathway.Assessed.for.Entry.to.UK 1409 0 0.00000
Pathways 1409 0 0.00000
Pathways.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Pest.family 1409 0 0.00000
Pest.Name 1409 0 0.00000
Potential.impact.of.Climate.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Current.Distribution.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Hosts.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Impact.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.key.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Other.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Pathways.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Regulation.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.Taxonomy.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
Potential.impact.of.UK.Distribution.uncertainty 0 1409 100.00000
PRA 1409 0 0.00000
Publicity 1409 0 0.00000
Regulation 1409 0 0.00000
Regulation.1 1409 0 0.00000
Regulation.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Research 1409 0 0.00000
Research.1 1409 0 0.00000
Scenario.for.Risk.Register 1409 0 0.00000
Status 1409 0 0.00000
Surveillance 1409 0 0.00000
Targeted.Survey 1409 0 0.00000
Taxonomy.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
Type.of.pest 1409 0 0.00000
UK 1409 0 0.00000
UK.Distribution.uncertainty 1409 0 0.00000
UK.Relative.Risk.Rating..mitigated. 1140 269 19.09155
UK.Relative.Risk.Rating..unmitigated. 1139 270 19.16253
Value.at.Risk 1137 272 19.30447
X 1409 0 0.00000
  • Now, I’ll visualize this missing data proportion using the bar chart.
  • I’ll reorder the bars based on missingness so we can easily see the columns missing the maximum amount of data.

Missing data visualization

miss_data |> 
  mutate(Present = 100 - pct_missing) |> 
  gather(Key, value, 4:5) |> 
  mutate(Key = recode(Key, pct_missing = "Missing")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(key, `TRUE`), y = value, fill = Key)) +
  geom_col(alpha = 0.85) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "", 
                          values = c('tomato3', 'steelblue'), 
                          labels = c("Missing", "Present")) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Missing (%)")

So, we can see that some of the columns are completely missing data, and we can remove them before moving towards further visualizations and data analysis. But before that, I’ll share another package that provides an already built function that can help us quickly visualize the amount of missing data in columns. And that function is plot_missing() from the DataExplorer. This function uses built-in criteria to create a missing profile for each column, i.e., Good, OK, Bad and Remove. The default criteria are:

  • “Good” = 0.05
  • “OK” = 0.4
  • “Bad” = 0.8
  • “Remove” = 1

plot_missing function from DataExplorer package

miss_plot <- plot_missing(data)

This is very quick and doesn’t need any extra line of code to compute missingness in data. Also, we can edit or update the profiling criteria as per our use.

Removing completely missing data

Like plotting missing data, there are some accessible functions that can help us omitting the columns missing data completely. However, I’ll first show how we can write our own code to do this job.

  • At first, I’ll extract the data from the plot_missing() function object, i.e., miss_plot, created in the last step.

We can see that this data object consists of four columns and 59 rows. Rows are essentially the column names from our original dataset. Therefore, we can use the pct_missing column to filter the unwanted columns.

miss_plot$data |> 
  filter(pct_missing == 1)
##                                                                      feature
##  1: High.levels.of.uncertainty.associated.with.the.risk.scores.for.this.pest
##  2:                                      Potential.impact.of.key.uncertainty
##  3:                                  Potential.impact.of.Climate.uncertainty
##  4:                     Potential.impact.of.Current.Distribution.uncertainty
##  5:                          Potential.impact.of.UK.Distribution.uncertainty
##  6:                                    Potential.impact.of.Hosts.uncertainty
##  7:                                   Potential.impact.of.Impact.uncertainty
##  8:                                 Potential.impact.of.Pathways.uncertainty
##  9:                               Potential.impact.of.Regulation.uncertainty
## 10:                                 Potential.impact.of.Taxonomy.uncertainty
## 11:                                                        Other.uncertainty
## 12:                                    Potential.impact.of.Other.uncertainty
##     num_missing pct_missing   Band
##  1:        1409           1 Remove
##  2:        1409           1 Remove
##  3:        1409           1 Remove
##  4:        1409           1 Remove
##  5:        1409           1 Remove
##  6:        1409           1 Remove
##  7:        1409           1 Remove
##  8:        1409           1 Remove
##  9:        1409           1 Remove
## 10:        1409           1 Remove
## 11:        1409           1 Remove
## 12:        1409           1 Remove

Then we can pull the names of the completely missing columns and save them as a new object for further processing.

miss_cols <- miss_plot$data |> 
  filter(pct_missing == 1) |> 

##  [1] High.levels.of.uncertainty.associated.with.the.risk.scores.for.this.pest
##  [2] Potential.impact.of.key.uncertainty                                     
##  [3] Potential.impact.of.Climate.uncertainty                                 
##  [4] Potential.impact.of.Current.Distribution.uncertainty                    
##  [5] Potential.impact.of.UK.Distribution.uncertainty                         
##  [6] Potential.impact.of.Hosts.uncertainty                                   
##  [7] Potential.impact.of.Impact.uncertainty                                  
##  [8] Potential.impact.of.Pathways.uncertainty                                
##  [9] Potential.impact.of.Regulation.uncertainty                              
## [10] Potential.impact.of.Taxonomy.uncertainty                                
## [11] Other.uncertainty                                                       
## [12] Potential.impact.of.Other.uncertainty                                   
## 59 Levels: High.levels.of.uncertainty.associated.with.the.risk.scores.for.this.pest ...

Now we can use the select function to remove the unwanted columns.

clean_data <- data |> 

# clean data
## Rows: 1,409
## Columns: 47
## $ Date.Added                            <chr> "17/12/2019", "04/03/2020", "08/…
## $ Status                                <chr> "Live - Archived", "Live - Archi…
## $ Pest.family                           <chr> "Rhizobiaceae", "Rhizobiaceae", …
## $ Pest.Name                             <chr> "'Candidatus Liberibacter africa…
## $ Common.name.or.abbreviation           <chr> "Greening of citrus", "dieback (…
## $ Type.of.pest                          <chr> "Bacterium", "Bacterium", "Bacte…
## $ EU.and.EPPO.listing                   <chr> "Regulated quarantine pest (Nort…
## $ Key.uncertainty                       <chr> "", "Rapid addition in a worksho…
## $ Climate.uncertainty                   <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Current.Distribution.uncertainty      <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ UK.Distribution.uncertainty           <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Hosts.uncertainty                     <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Impact.uncertainty                    <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Pathways.uncertainty                  <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Regulation.uncertainty                <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Taxonomy.uncertainty                  <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Major.Hosts                           <chr> "Aegle; Afraegle; Calodendrum; C…
## $ UK                                    <chr> "Absent", "Absent", "Absent", "U…
## $ Europe                                <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "Belgium; Cz…
## $ Global.Distribution                   <chr> "Burundi; Central African Republ…
## $ Pathways                              <chr> "", "Cut flowers or branches; Fr…
## $ Pathway.Assessed.for.Entry.to.UK      <chr> "", "Plants for planting (except…
## $ Scenario.for.Risk.Register            <chr> "Pest is introduced", "Pest is i…
## $ Likelihood                            <int> NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, 3, 4, 4, 3, 0…
## $ Impact                                <int> NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0…
## $ Value.at.Risk                         <int> NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, 4, 5, 5, 5, 0…
## $ UK.Relative.Risk.Rating..unmitigated. <int> 1, 1, 1, NA, NA, 24, 60, 60, 60,…
## $ Regulation                            <chr> "Regulated quarantine pest (NI o…
## $ Surveillance                          <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Industry.Scheme                       <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Contingency.plan                      <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Awareness                             <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Research                              <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Likelihood.1                          <int> NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0…
## $ Impact.1                              <int> NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0…
## $ UK.Relative.Risk.Rating..mitigated.   <int> 1, 1, 1, NA, NA, 24, 30, 30, 40,…
## $ Regulation.1                          <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Deregulation.or.reduced.regulation    <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Management.by.Industry                <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Targeted.Survey                       <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "Y", "",…
## $ PRA                                   <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Contingency.Plan                      <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Publicity                             <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
## $ Research.1                            <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "Y", "",…
## $ Action                                <chr> "No statutory action in Great Br…
## $ General.Comments                      <chr> "Host not widely grown in the UK…
## $ X                                     <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
# missingness in clean data

  • We can see that columns with 100% missing values have been removed.

Now, I’ll share other functions we can use to remove missing features.

remove_empty function from janitor package

remove_empty(data) |> 

where function

data |> 
      ~sum(!is.na(.x)) > 0
  ) |> 

data |> 
  ) |> 

Base functions

data[colSums(!is.na(data)) > 0] |> 

That’s it!

Feel free to reach me out if you got any questions.

Muhammad Mohsin Raza
Muhammad Mohsin Raza
Data Scientist

My research interests include disease modeling in space and time, climate change, GIS and Remote Sensing and Data Science in Agriculture.

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